Diabetics Should Avoid These Foods To Regulate Blood Sugar

diabetics should avoid these foods

Last Updated on March 14, 2025 by Robert Dowling

Diabetes is a blood sugar disease that is chronic in nature and has affected lots of people worldwide. We all know that people with diabetes are told to take a lot of care, and that there are certain foods they should not eat because they raise the blood sugar level and make less insulin. And this leads to uncontrolled diabetes, which can seriously damage your heart and can increase kidney problems. Hence, diabetics should avoid these foods in order to regulate their blood sugar level.

Diabetics Should Avoid These Foods

diabetics should avoid these foods
Foods you must avoid in Diabetes

The best and worst choices among the necessities

From one general perspective, we can’t discriminate against a food over the issue of diabetes; we just need to understand its unique proportion that our body demands and what must be its source of supply.

So here we have tried to categorize the food on the basis of its worst and best choices.


Veggies make up a large portion of our meals, and in the case of diabetes, one must know the difference between fresh vegetables and canned ones! If you are looking for good vegetables, then you must focus on:

  • fiber content and nutrients.
  • Sodium content.
  • Low Carbohydrates.
  • Colors
  • Freshness

Eating Choices for Vegetables

The best choices for vegetable content as a diabetic must have the following recommendation:

  • Colors: Vegetables must have varieties in colors like dark green, white, red, and orange. Some examples are: carrots, tomatoes, onions, red peppers, arugula, etc.,
  • You must cook these vegetables with the help of steam, or you can have them raw. One can also cook them through the processes of roasting and grilling.
  • Your vegetables should be low in sodium and low in salt.
  • Try to have veggies with a low glycemic load and salt. Also, about 45 to 60 g of carbohydrates is allowed.

Vegetables’ Worst Eating Option

  • Eating frozen and canned vegetables.
  • Having lots of sodium in your vegetables
  • Vegetables are made with oil and butter.
  • Having lots of pickles in your meals and eating them regularly.
  • Having potatoes in your meal.


Diabetic people are always advised to have fewer starchy foods because they raise the blood sugar level. However, there is a misconception because those starches that are processed raise the sugar level slowly.

  • Starch increases the blood glucose level.
  • It also increases your body weight.
  • They are complex carbohydrates that are difficult to digest.

Best Starch Eating Option:

  • Consume nutritious starchy foods such as whole grains.
  • Check their glycemic index. If they have a low GI index, you can have that food.
  • Baked starchy foods like Baked sweet potatoes
  • No added sugar in foods like oatmeal and quinoa.

Worst starch eating option:

  • Consuming white bread and white rice as part of your meal.
  • Refined-flour and pasta in your diet chart.
  • Low-quality starch foods like bagels, etc.,
  • processed grains.


At the same time, fruits are the source of fiber and they are always recommended for diabetic people, but at the same time, their fruit juice is neglected.

The best option for fruits

  • Always have fresh fruit as your priority.
  • Sugar-free fruit jams,
  • Include berries like blackberries and strawberries, which have between 3 and 7.6 grams of fiber per 100 grams.

The Worst Choice for Fruits

  • Avoid fruit juice as it has a high level of fruit sugar and can spike your blood sugar level.
  • Eating dried fruits is also not a good option as they don’t have water content and can increase blood sugar levels.
  • sweetened fruit jams and heavy maple sugar.


Protein doesn’t affect your blood sugar level much. Instead, it helps with balancing the blood sugar level in your body. It helps in cell tissue growth and helps in musclebuilding.

Here are the worst and best choices for your protein intake that you can have:

Choices for protein:

  • Include plant-based proteins in your diet.
  • High protein foods with low animal fat, like turkey and nuts.
  • You can also go for seeds and beans like soyabeans, etc.,
  • Fish like salmon and tuna are the best examples.

Protein Options to Avoid:

  • animal-based protein sources.
  • fried meats like pork and bacon.
  • Cheeses and deep-fried items.

Dairy Products

Dairy products must be chosen wisely as they have lots of fat and are hard to digest, but you can keep it simple and to the point. Here are some items that you can have:

The Best Dairy Food Options

  • Low-fat cheese or yogurt.
  • Skimmed milk.
  • Non-fat sour cream.
  • String cheese and greek yogurt.

The Worst Choices for Dairy Food

  • Milk with a lot of trans fat and saturated fat.
  • Dairy products with added sugar.
  • Regular cottage cheese and yogurt.

Fats and oils

Deep-fried items and saltine crackers, which are lower in nutrients and fiber and higher in carbs, are always targeted for their high serving sizes and negative effects on our bodies.

So here are the best and worst choices for the amount of fat you can have:

Fats and oils are the best choices.

  • Natural fat sources like avocados and nuts.
  • foods like mackerel and peanuts.

The Worst Fat and Oil Options

  • Frozen dinner items:
  • Crackers and muffins
  • And one can also check for the partially hydrogenated labels to check for trans fat.

Sweets and drinks

You can have the drink with cucumber and mint dipped in regular water and some low-fat milk, but you should avoid beer, flavored coffee and sweetened tea, regular soda, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can diabetes cause weight gain?

Yes, diabetes makes people gain weight, and the fat that gets stored around the abdomen makes the body mass index go up.

Can diabetes cause a stroke?

Diabetes makes it hard for the blood to flow properly, which can lead to heart failure.

Does diabetes cause impotence?

Yes, it is possible for those men who are suffering from type 2 diabetes to also face the problem of erectile dysfunction.

Is diabetes preventable?

Diabetes can be prevented depending upon its stage of development and the percentage of infection.

Which type of diabetes is genetic?

Type 1 and Type 2 are both linked with a genetic history of diabetes.

Is diabetes a metabolic disease?

Yes, diabetes is a chronical metabolic-disorder type disease.


Carbs, protein, and fats are the essential elements of our body that are called macro nutrients. They help our bodies do their jobs and are the activating nutrients that our bodies take in and use to make energy.

But if they are unbalanced, they can spike our blood sugar levels and can cause diabetes. Therefore, if we are suffering from diabetes or have just crossed the beginning stage of it,

We must keep our diet and food chart balanced with a countable amount of carbs and essential fats that can help our body to restore itself.


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